Thursday, June 14, 2007

Many subjects not certain conclusion, The Essay.

Okay, so this is my first post. I always wanted to share my thoughts about Global Issues with the global population, that's why the name of this blog is "The Global Issue". Well, just a few hours ago I have read an article about China's and India's growing economies, and their competition versus each other. The article was about the possible directions in which these countries may go in future, and also possible conflicts that may arise between them. Well, about China we all already know that it's quasi-communist state may fall due to it's economic success, at least few of the "experts" are certain about it, but I consider it as far from truth. First off, China is a way different story from Russia, in China, Communism wasn't rather about ideology, it was more seen, as "the way to a better life". After the World War II people in many countries hopeing that with the end of the conflict will come peace and wealth, ended up disappointed. The same happend in Poland, but we can't say that it was "people's vote" that brought communism to Eastern Europe, in Europe it was the Soviet tanks. This is not a full story, it's more like an appetizer, but I want to say that, China is a different culture that Western Culture, and if we want to predict it's possible transformations in the future, we can't deal with it like, it would be the USSR. China is a different culture, and the different communist state than the one which Russia was. In these days, the United States of America is the country that has the biggest military spending in the world, and in comparison to other countries it has also the biggest economy in the world, but let's see what is the possible scenario for the future? Scholars say that in 15 years from now, US will be the third economy in the world, China will be the first one, and India will be the second one, so if that will happen what should the Europe do? Well, after all, Europe is really underrated, if it comes to global issues. It is true that the past centuries were it's golden age but even now, after the Two World Wars, European Union is the Biggest economy in the world, even bigger than USA, but... it's not a country. So, I think that in present days, the global players are the big countries, there is no room for big international policy for small countries. The real players in the future will be China, USA, India, Brazil, Russia, and if Europe will come to an agreement on it's constitution I think that one of the main players could be Europe, but only as some kind of super-future federal state, as a country.

look at shanghai it's two times larger than New York City.